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Feature Flags


A Feature Flag represents a configurable value which you can use to control or configure your application.

Feature flags have multiple Variations (i.e. values) that can affect how your application behaves. A Variation can be a boolean value used to toggle functionality on/off or data that is used to configure something in your application.

Creating a Feature Flag

To create a new Feature Flag, click the "Add feature flag" button at the top of the Feature Flag tab in the AppFlags dashboard.

This will open a form where you can create your Feature Flag by entering the following information:

  • Name: A human-readable name for the feature flag.
  • Key: A unique key for the feature flag. This is how you will refer to the flag in your code. (A key will be suggested based on your feature name.)
  • Variation Type: Select one of boolean, number, or string. The defines the data type of the flag's variations.
  • Variations: The values for your feature flag.
    • A boolean flag always has two variations: true and false. You can modify the name and description fields.
    • A number or string flag can have any number of variations. You must create at least one variation now and you can modify these in the future.
    • For more information, see Variations.
  • Default Variation: The active variation in all environments after the flag is created.

For more information on creating a feature flag, see the Getting Started guide on Creating a feature flag.

Updating a Feature Flag

The human-readable name of a Feature Flag can be changed in the Settings tab on the feature flag page.

To learn about updating Feature Flag targeting rules, see Targeting Rules.

To learn about updating Feature Flag variations, see Variations.

Deleting a Feature Flag

A Feature Flag can be deleted in the Settings tab on the Feature Flag page.

You will be prompted to confirm deletion.